Major Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs-Type of Program, Number of Recipients, & Funds Utilized:1970-1988 1988, Program Unit 1970 1975 1980 1985 proj.
Pell Grants:
Number of recipients 1,000 (X) 1,216 2,858 2,910 3,205
Funds utilized Mil.dol. (X) 925 2,387 3,572 4,519
Average grant Dollars (X) 761 835 1,227 1,405
Opportuninty Grants:(1)
Number of recipients 1,000 253.4 390.0 716.5 686.0 627.0
Funds utilized Mil.dol. 134 201 368 410 392
Average grant Dollars 527 513 513 598 625
National Direct
Student Loans:
Number of recipients 1,000 452.0 690.0 813.4 700.9 878.0